Sunday, 13 November 2011

How To Remove Blogger Navigation Bar From Blogger

Whenever you use any  blogger template they have a blogger navigation bar which look’s  very unprofessional  as it hangs on top of every page.Using this trick you can remove the navigation bar from any blogger template.For removing the navigation bar we will tweak the HTML of your template (don’t worry its easy)
clip image00111 Trick To Remove Blogger Navigation Bar From Blogger
You should also read how to add Unique Descrption in blogger for better Seo results
Here is the step by step Tutorial for Trick To Remove Blogger Navigation Bar From Blogger
  1. Sign in into blogger and click on Design
  2. Now click on Edit Html (Here you will see the html code of your template)
  3. Tick the checkbox Expand Widget Templates (On top-right side of your template)
  4. Now search of this code ]]></b:skin> in your template
  5. Just before ]]></b:skin> add this code
  6. #navbar-iframe { height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none }
  7. Now save your template by clicking on Save Template button
  8. blogger navbar navigation hide Trick To Remove Blogger Navigation Bar From Blogger
  9. Open your blog and see how good your template looks without navigation bar
Is it Illegal To Remove Blogger Navigation Bar?
Blogger hasn’t mentioned anywhere in its terms that it is illegal to remove the navigation bar.Moreover we are not removing we are just hiding it.So,just relax and apply this trick

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