Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Free Nero 8 Ultra Edition Full Version Free Download - Silent Install (x86/x64)

Nero 8 Ultra Edition - Silent Install (x86/x64)
Nero 8 Ultra Edition - Silent Install (x86/x64) | 1.19 GBAnexcellent set of tools for creating your own discs, with excellentaudio support, a decent program, burn CDs and quite tolerable tool forbacking up information.System requirements:System Requirements:-DVD-ROM drive for the installation-Windows 2000 (SP4 or later), Windows XP (SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 (SP1 or later), Windows XP Media Center Edition Windows Vista -Gadgets are not available for Windows Vista x64-Nero ImageDrive currently supports Windows 2000 and Windows XP (32 Bit only)-Windows XP Professional x64, Windows Vista x64 (all applications exceptInCD, and Nero Scout work in the x86 emulator, which allows 32-bitapplications to run)-DirectX 9.0c or better-Windows Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher-1 GHz Intel Pentium III processor, AMD Sempron 2200 + or equivalent-Minimum 256 MB RAM (for Windows Vista minimum 512 MB RAM)-1.2 GB hard drive space for standard installation of all components-Up to 9 GB available drive space for DVD images and temporary DVD files-Graphicscard with at least 32 MB video memory and a minimum resolution of 800 x600 pixels and 16-bit color settings. However, we recommend 24-bit or32-bit for true color.-CD and / or DVD / DVD-RAM recorder-Installation of the latest WHQL (Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs) certified device driver strongly recommended-Internetconnection with DSL 1000 speed or higher for the registration and theupdate of the Nero 8 help files and other functions. It is also requiredfor the activation of the complete functional range (DVD, MPEG-2,MPEG-4, and AVC), which will be required 30 days after installation.This activation is free of charge. The costs for the Internet connectionare carried by the user.-To install Nero 8 you must have administrative rights for all operating systems higher than Windows 2000.-For capturing and burning in real time: at least 1.6 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor or AMD Sempron 2600 +-At least 1.4 GHz Intel Pentium processor with 256 RAM for TV recording and DVD video editing-Drive with SecurDisc support-16-bit Windows compatible sound devices and speakers [/ field]Ifyou have sufficient training, work with Nero will not cause you anytrouble or frustration. It supports multisession and mixed-moderecording; HFS, ISO / HFS, UDF, PSX, OFAS (optimal file access speed),track-at-once (TAO) and disc-at-once (DAO), and more. Audio support inNero realized, perhaps better than any other competitor software.Right-click on the audio file, select from the popup menu optionProperties and youll get a window Audio Track Info, where youll findplenty of information about a file - from general information to thepossibility of using special filters to remove defects or compensate fordifferent levels of sound. You can also set specific markers topartition large tracks into smaller components. Nero can also be used asa tool for creating reserve copies. Like the Easy CD Creator, Nero canonly make a copy of a hard drive, but unlike him, can also restore theentire disk, rather than individual files.



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