Friday, 13 January 2012

How to Hack Reliance GSM Mobiles for Free GPRS How Hack Reliance Free Internet

From the beginning of 2009, we have been introduced to the services of Reliance GSM. GSM enables many features and such is GPRS. Everyone looks out for GPRS these days and without which your phones just look like dummy pieces. So, when these GPRS makes your phone so lively, it is natural that it will not be available readily on your phone. And, you don’t want to spend money; then, what do you do?Reliance How to Hack Reliance GSM Mobiles for Free GPRS
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You can follow simple procedure for this.


For this you will have to create a new profile with following credentials:
  • Type in the home Page:
  • Enter the IP Address:
  • Enter the Port: 8080
  • Type in the Access Point Name (APN):  smartwap
  • Type in the Proxy  Server Address:
  • Type in the Proxy Server Port : 9401 or 8080
Alternatively, you can also try the following credentials:

  • Type in the home Page:
  • Enter the IP Address:
  • Enter the Port: 8080
  • Type in the Access Point Name (APN):  rcomwap
  • Type in the Proxy Server Address:
  • Type in the Proxy Server Port : 8080
That’s it; now that you are done with the procedures, try any one of the two on your reliance phone and enjoy the free GPRS settings on it.


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