Friday, 10 February 2012

How to format USB Or Thumb drive in command prompt on window pc

How to format USB Or Thumb drive in command prompt


USB drives which are also called as Thumb drives are inserted into the USB port given in your system.These Thumb drives or USB drives can be formatted when they are connected to your system.One of the most simple step of formatting these USB drives or Thumb drives is by clicking right mouse on the drive and select the format option.Then your USB drive will be formatted.This is the simple step that most of us know.Here in this article I’m not going to discuss it.
These USB drives regularly caught virus.These virus are very tricky and stops your USB drive from getting format.Here we will talk about formatting them if they caught virus using command prompt.

Steps to follow to format your USB or Thumb drive:

  • Go to start button in your Windows and choose Run command.
  • When the Run windows opens then type “cmd” there and press enter.
  • Your Command prompt will open.
  • When your USB drive is inserted in USB port,find that which drive your USB drive is attached.
  • When the command prompt opens,type there following command-“ format/FS:FAT32 H: ”In this case H: is my USB drive address.If in your case USB drive address is G then replace there H with G.
  • After that You press enter.Then your USB or Thumb drive is formatted.In the above case your USB or Thumb drive is formatted in FAT32 format.
The reason of formatting your USB drive in FAT 32 format is that it makes your USB drive readable to any computer you use.Thus with the help of above mentioned step you will be successful in formatting your USB drive if any virus script attached to your USB drive is not allowing simple formatting.

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