Sunday, 16 October 2011

How do I determine my computer's IP address?


Windows 7, Vista, and XP, using the command prompt

1. Click Start , and then select All Programs .
Note: If this doesn't match what you see, refer to About navigation settings in Windows .

2. Click Accessories , and then Command Prompt .

3. At the command prompt, enter:
The IP address (or IPv4 address, if you are using Windows 7 or Vista) will be a series of numbers following the pattern,

Note: If you are using PPP with a modem at home, your IP address will change each time you log in.

Windows 7,
without using the command prompt

1. In the system tray, click the network connection icon and select Open Network and Sharing Center .

2. To view the IP address of a wired connection, click Local Area Connection .
To view the IP address of a wireless adapter, click Wireless Network Connection (Network Name) .

3. Click Details... . Your IP address will appear next to "IPv4 Address".
Windows Vista, without using the command prompt

1. From the Start menu, right-click Network , and then select Properties . This opens the Network and Sharing Center.

2. To view the IP address of a wired connection, click View Status to the right of Local Area Connection .
To view the IP address of a wireless adapter, click View Status to the right of Wireless Network Connection .

3. Click Details... . Look for the addressnext to "IPv4 IP Address".
Windows XP, without using the command prompt

1. From the Start menu, right-click My Network Places , and then click Properties .

2. To view the IP address of a wired connection, double-click Local Area Connection .
To view the IP address of a wireless adapter, double-click Wireless Network Connection .

3. Click the Support tab, and then click Details... . The window that appears will display the IP address

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